How to Unlock the iLLusional Art
(Step 1 of Joining the Journey)
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” - Wayne Dyer
As with every design that is created, they were all destined to have a meaningful message that comes into light with a little bit of luck and a little bit of discovery. The trick, or the solution, to reading the design is to take the stretched and elongated words, and shrinking them into something that our eyes could more easily comprehend. This is achieved by viewing the image from a different angle, instead of directly on as how we are used to. Imagine holding the art at negative 20 degrees to eye level (instead of the accustomed 90). This is the angle you want to attain to bring out the words that were meant to be read. It is also easier, in the beginning, to use only one eye to focus until you understand the technique.
If you are viewing the image from your phone, it is easiest to discover how to read the message by closing one eye and tilting the phone to read it from the charge hole.
I hope you discover how to unlock the secrets of the iLLusional Art. There’s a type of joy everyone experience the first time they witness it. And I hope it does the same for you and everyone you share it with.
Make sure you are able to read the proceeding message, as every thing will have meaning that follows: